Helpful Energy Consumption Tips

Emergency closures of public spaces, schools, and workplaces mean increased energy consumption at home, resulting in higher energy bills. We've put together a helpful guideline to prevent a spike in your electricity costs!
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Emergency closures of public spaces, schools, and workplaces mean increased energy consumption at home, resulting in higher energy bills. We’ve put together a helpful guideline to prevent a spike in your electricity costs:

1. Shut Down Your Computer

Allowing your computer to run or use a screen-saver while not in use consumes a lot of unnecessary energy. Working at home may mean you’re using your computer frequently, but make sure to power down your computer afterwards.

2. Switch to LED Lights

Shopping may be difficult right now, but consider buying LED light bulbs online or from your local hardware store (if they are open). LED bulb are much more energy efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.

*Additional tip: shop locally, small businesses are likely to suffer large losses during this time. They’ll be sure to thank you for your business!

3. Unplug “Vampire” Electronics

Idle electronics, like that DVD player you never use, are considered “vampire” electronics as they consume unnecessary electronics. If it doesn’t need constant energy, consider unplugging it.

4. Turn Off the Lights

Headed to the other room? Great! Flip the switch for easy energy savings!

5. Break Out the Grill

Warmer weather is upon us! Maybe it’s time to dust off the grill. Using a grill to prepare food reduces energy that may be spent by a stove or microwave. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean getting stuck indoors; enjoy some barbecue while you’re at it!

Many utility companies are considering extending their financial assistance programs to those being hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. ComEd customers can find additional information here:

Stateline Solar is committed to being a resource for our community and will help both customers and non-customers navigate their electric bill. As we are remaining open during normal business hours, questions are welcomed, and we’ll happily provide answers.
