Always Ready: Mobile Energy Solutions

Looking for a way to generate energy even when off the grid? Stateline Solar offers mobile energy solutions that can be solar powered, so you're ready for anything.

Sometimes, being prepared for anything can be seen as a little obsessive. But other times, being prepared for anything is essential to the health and safety of your family. Being prepared also helps you make sure you’re enjoying a hobby or lifestyle. Considering mobile solar energy solutions may provide you peace of mind in all situations when it comes to power. Lion Energy, a mobile energy solution company, offers many solutions to many different needs.

Energy Banks

For times like athletic events, hiking trips, camping and more, access to charging ports for smaller devices aren’t always readily available. Luckily, Lion Energy offers mobile power banks. These smaller power devices are capable of charging smaller items like phones, laptops, tablets and other small tech devices all at once.


Need something with a little more power when storms blow through and obliterate your home’s power? Consider a solar generator. These items generate power from a solar panel charge and can power refrigerators, TVs and even CPAP machines. Depending on the type of unit you select, these power solutions can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Be sure to use your power unit regularly in order to know how to use it if/when the time comes that you need to use it. Some generators also may qualify for a 30% federal tax credit – please discuss with your financial advisor.

Lithium Batteries

For those who want a safe, environmentally-friendly battery while camping/RVing, Lion Energy offers auxiliary lithium power batteries that can be recharged from solar energy in as little as seven hours. These batteries also are expandable, so you can add more batteries if you need a more powerful production. To top it all off, the batteries are Bluetooth compatible, meaning you can monitor your battery’s health and performance right on your phone.

If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly (or convenient) option to recharge your mobile energy product, Lion Energy offers small solar panels to recharge generators. Each energy solution requires different sized panels, and Lion Energy sells kits to ensure you are purchasing the correct solar array to power your generator.

Interested in a mobile power solution? Contact the professionals at Stateline Solar to get started and learn what’s right for you: 815-580-3011 or
