SolarEdge Inverter Troubleshooting

All Stateline Solar installations come equipped with a SolarEdge inverter. Learn how to read common inverter LED indications to make sure your system is running properly.

Every Stateline Solar installation comes equipped with a SolarEdge gateway. This gateway helps your solar system connect to the internet. Here’s a simple guide to read the LED light indications that represent internet connectivity:

Gateway Diagram

Common LED Indications

  • Link (Orange Light) is blinking: gateway is connected to inverter
  • S_OK is on: gateway is connected to the internet
  • If S_OK is NOT on: gateway is not connected to the internet & system is not reporting

Please note: if S_OK is not on, check your internet connection. Restart your internet router if possible or call your internet provider to help get your internet up and running again.

How to Reset the Gateway

  1. Hold down the red reset button until all five lights are illuminated & solid (not blinking) and let go
  2. All five lights should blink for at least 15 seconds, but no longer than 3 minutes
  3. Once all blinking stops, the lights should be on
  4. Yellow “Link” light should blink every 5 seconds
  5. Gateway is now communicating with inverter & internet

If you continue to have issues with gateway connectivity, please call Stateline Solar at 815-580-3011.
